Scientific Article
MOON's Strategy for Obtaining Over Eighty Percent Follow-up at 10 Years Following ACL Reconstruction
In this study, Dr. Marx examined follow-up for subjects involved in the Multicenter Orthopaedic Outcomes Network (MOON) study of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction, which achieved >80% follow-up for study subjects who were enrolled from 2002 to 2005. In contact efforts made by the coordinating center, 73.8% (381) of study subjects were reached by the central site coordinator, contact information was verified, and questionnaires were subsequently sent, completed, and returned. An additional 54 subjects (10.5% of the overall study population) returned the questionnaire after local study site involvement, indicating the importance of individual surgeon and local site involvement to improve follow-up rates in multicenter studies in orthopaedic surgery. Follow-up rates were higher when a specific individual (the surgeon or the research coordinator) was given the task of final follow-up.